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TouchStone Systems provides turnkey marketing database platforms customized to address your business needs for managing new products and services. TouchStone’s Marketing Support Platform (TOUCHSTONE MSP) is a versatile system that enables your company to integrate Marketing, Sales and Fulfillment functions around a common database.

Your marketing programs should not be an administrative nightmare. Too often, marketing operations are bogged down with unconnected, unmanageable and manually intensive processes. Poor integration among support functions such as: Target Marketing, Direct Sales, Material and Correspondence Distribution, Fulfillment, Billing and Product Service often result in excessive lead times, high costs, reduced customer image and lost sales.

TOUCHSTONE Systems' Marketing Support Platform (TOUCHSTONE MSP) provides an integrated marketing database platform customized to address your business needs to manage the complete life cycle of new products and services. TOUCHSTONE MSP is a comprehensive, flexible system that is designed to help your company integrate the Marketing, Sales and Fulfillment functions.

Our system has been created to assist you in streamlining, integrating and automating these functions, allowing your staff to be more knowledgeable and responsive when selling, delivering and servicing your products.

Designed around a centralized, integrated database, TOUCHSTONE MSP enables numerous users to perform various functions simultaneously in support of multiple products, services or programs. The system runs in a client server network environment to provide your staff with the up to date information necessary to improve your sales / service capabilities while increasing your "cross selling" product sales opportunities.

TOUCHSTONE MSP's functionality supports real-time, product life-cycle management. The system can be quickly tailored to support your fulfillment, delivery and product service requirements through its Work Order Management module. Integrated job support allows you to directly manage either in-house or out-sourced activities that directly support the delivery, installation and/or servicing of your products and services.

TOUCHSTONE MSP is easy to learn and operate keeping your training costs to a minimum. The system follows standard Windows interface standards wherein processing functions are performed intuitively following the logical processing flow of the product / program sales and fulfillment cycle.

TOUCHSTONE MSP is currently used by a number of major North American energy utilities to support marketing, sales, fulfillment and product support functions for various types of product offerings. These include Demand Side Management Programs (including rebates and performance based programs), End Use Programs, and numerous other product and service Offerings.